Me and Devastus are working on something awesome.
It seems as though Dev isn't responding to me anymore though, I think he may have given up on his side of the collab. T_T
I can't decide whether to expose the idea or not, but I'm going to keep it secret until Dev gives me the 'go ahead'.
I haven't been working on anything of my own yet because I haven't been at home to do it. I've got the job centre and driving lessons to worry about at the moment, which is a huge ballache, but they only take up a few hours of one day per week.
I've been playing left 4 dead to kill time these days.
Here's a clip of me (Xenogen) and my usual team (Tony Almeida & Mr Chris) kicking ass after carrying on the finale.
I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but I'm also on Day 8 of going Cold Turkey from Smoking.
Also, a quick mention to 'Cameron D'. Thanks for the new banner ;)
Your welcome. hope you get my email.